Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE Tax Provision APIs provide provision calculations across multiple dimensions, enabling you to perform extensive analysis of your data, while improving efficiencies throughout the tax provision process.
ONESOURCE Subconsolidations API is a REST web service that accepts your ONESOURCE instance ID and allows you to retrieve and manipulate your subconsolidations. This will allow you to have transparency on the subconsolidations you currently have but also allow you to modify them; including grouping your units in a way that suits your needs.
The Subconsolidations API allows ONESOURCE Tax Provision users to retrieve a list of all subconsolidations that are available in their instance. It also allows the user to create a new subconsolidation, get a list of units under a subconsolidation, assign, and delete units from a subconsolidation, be it one by one or in bulk.
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Guidelines to perform actions, such as creating app and user, generating a token and making a call, with Autorization API
Use this API to retrieve a list of all the instances you have access and the system parameters for each instance.
Use this API to do exports and imports of their categories and numbers and to create back-up data, or add data to their instance.
Use this API to generate reports, check the status of the job and get the details of the report in JSON format