Api Overview

Last updated: Mar 25, 2024

Domains API

API provides access to a list of various tax and business areas that are curated by Thomson Reuters.
  • Knowledge management
  • Domains


Description of API

ONESOURCE Domains APIs provide developers access to a list of various tax and business areas that are curated by Thomson Reuters and are available in several ONESOURCE applications.

Domains are grouped into one of four types: Business Filings, Direct Tax, Fiduciary Tax and Indirect Tax. A Domain represents a specific area of tax or business that is being addressed (ex. under Indirect Tax there are Domains such as Value Added Tax, Goods and Services Tax, Sales and Use Tax, Excise Tax, etc.)

ONESOURCE Central Management of Domains assists with creating consistency around labelling information with the tax or business area that it relates to.

Geographic Availability

Domain is supported in all three regions viz., AMER, APAC and EMEA.

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