Api Overview

Last updated: Feb 05, 2025

ONESOURCE Indirect Tax Calculation REST API

Cloud-based solution for seamless transaction tax management, featuring an API for effortless tax calculations.
  • Tax planning & preparations
  • Tax calculations


This API supports customers and partners who integrate Thomson Reuters ONESCOURCE Indirect Tax Cloud via our web services with their financials system. This guide assists clients and partners who want to integrate with the Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE Indirect Tax on our cloud platform with a financial system, such as an enterprise resource planning (ERP) or e-commerce system. This guide documents key concepts, provides outlines of various endpoints and sample requests, to help support customers and partners while they build a sound integration solution.

This API utilizes a REST architecture enabling the use of the endpoints below:

  • Calculate: Facilitates the submission of a tax request to retrieve a tax estimate. This estimate is not persisted in the Audit Database.
  • Commit: Facilitates the submission of a tax quote which results in the tax information persisted in the Audit Database.
  • Reverse: Facilitates the reversal of a persisted document in the Audit Database.
  • Unified Logging: Supports the needs for logging by various systems that are involved in a tax transaction.

Key Benefits:

  1. 1Calculate indirect tax, including global sales tax, use tax, GST, VAT, excise tax and more without managing different product taxation rules, transaction taxation rules that vary across different geographic locations.
  2. 2Get a breakdown of the calculated tax amount by ERP tax code, authority type, effective zone level to ensure specific tax expenses and tax liabilities are posted to the correct General Ledger account.
  3. 3Supports the breadth of actions required for managing tax liabilities per General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), including:
    • Tax quote calculation for non-tax liable transactions
    • Commit the tax calculation to the ONESOURCE audit database for tax liable transactions.
    • Reversing transactions in an auditable way (For example, creating a reversal transaction such that the original transaction and the reversal transaction net to zero)
  4. 4The unified logging system enables you to log ONESOURCE Tax Determination request and response payloads and utilize ONESOURCE Cloud UI to search and view logs.

Geographic Availability:

Currently, Indirect Tax Determination only supports United States of America, Canada, and European Union (VAT) region.

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