Thomson Reuters ONESOURCE Tax Provision APIs provide provision calculations across multiple dimensions, to enable you to do extensive analysis of your data, while improving efficiencies throughout the tax provision process.
ONESOURCE Journal Entries API is a REST web service that will allow the users to review approved Journal Entries reports and then either post or cancel them. This will allow users to easily review the Journal Entries reports that have been approved and visualize them via an API.
If a report has been approved, the button will stay disabled until the report has been either posted or cancelled.
The Journal Entries API allows the ONESOURCE Tax Provision users to retrieve a list of all approved Journal Entry reports for a specific instance. They can retrieve the id and pull a specific report to see the details. The user can update the status of the approved Journal Report and either post or cancel it, enabling the approve button again.
Geographic Availability:
Currently, Journal Entries API is supported for AMERS and EMEA.
Guidelines to perform actions, such as creating app and user, generating a token and making a call, with Autorization API
Use this API to create a Bridge Job, upload a file, verify the status of upload, and then analyze the Bridge results.
Use this API to do exports and imports of their categories and numbers and to create back-up data, or add data to their instance.
Use this API to generate reports, check the status of the job and get the details of the report in JSON format