Api Overview

Last updated: Feb 26, 2025

Get Companies API

The API retrieves a list of all companies user has access to for a given tenant
  • Data & document management
  • Data retrieval


Retrieves a sorted list of all companies (legal entities) that the authenticated user has access to within their tenant organization, including company details, addresses, identifiers, and contact information.

This is the base URL. All requests should use the Get Companies API URL, which can be found at: https://api-emea.onesourcetax.com/einvoicing/company/v1/companies
  • The API is versioned, you must include the version number in every request you make to access the endpoints.
  • All API requests must be made over HTTPS, requests sent over plain HTTP or without authentication will be refused. 
  • For guidance on properly authenticating calls to the Get Companies API, see to the Authentication section.
  • Use any standard HTTPS client to access the web service. 

Key Benefits

  1. 1Provides unified, single-call access to retrieve complete information about all authorized companies, eliminating the need for multiple API calls.
  2. 2Delivers organized, alphabetically sorted results with proper access control, ensuring users can efficiently view and manage their company portfolio.

Key Benefits

API is available to all E- invoicing EMEA customers.

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