ONESOURCE DataFlow is an Excel based data collection application which allows users to create data gathering templates in Microsoft Excel, which can be assigned to individuals to complete. The data collected within the template is then stored in a manner which allows the data to be accessed through the Data Collection Add in, API’s or within other data gathering templates.
ONESOURCE DataFlow API allows developers to interact with DataFlow requests using languages that can call REST services as well as consume JSON structured data. Supporting integration or automation of common DataFlow tasks.
Allows you to interact with DataFlow requests:
Retrieve a list of entities, users, templates, status templates, requests, jurisdictions and years.
Platform endpoints allows to create own application like DataFlow and handle own business rules. Using DataFlow Platform APIs directly will not follow or adhere to DataFlow business rules or validation.
Currently, ONESOURCE DataFlow API (V2) only supports AMERS region. API V1 is available in all regions.
Guidelines to perform actions, such as creating app and user, generating a token and making a call, with Autorization API
APIs provide developers access and manage entity data that can be further used across various ONESOURCE applications.
API provides access to a list of various tax and business areas that are curated by Thomson Reuters.
Provides access to a list of geographic locations, curated by Thomson Reuters and available in several ONESOURCE applications.